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Volunteers with disabilities

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not always easy to find the right volunteer opportunity. With so much to consider: location, time commitment, skill level, knowledge level and more – it can take some time to find an opportunity that is a good fit for the volunteer and the organization. This process can feel even more daunting for a volunteer with disabilities.

This can include a person with physical challenges, developmental delays, or mental health challenges. It may be that non-profits are not equipped to accommodate some volunteers (perhaps they are on the second floor in a building without elevator access), or they may not have roles suitable for people of varied abilities. It’s also possible that staff and clients have no experience in working with, or alongside of, people with various disabilities. Unfortunately, a person’s own comfort level may influence their ability to be inclusive. This is completely unjust, but often it’s the reality.

In fairness to volunteer managers, it can be difficult to screen a potential volunteer (for example, interviewing someone who is nonverbal can be challenging), or to place someone with a physical challenge if the role calls for mobility. 

So, it will come as no surprise to people who live with these challenges that volunteering can also come with barriers. There are ways to limit some of those barriers and to help the organization to see the potential in involving people with disabilities:

Supported volunteering

If you feel that you might not be able to perform the tasks on your own, then see if you would be able to bring an aide, friend or family member with you. Remember they will also be considered volunteers and will have to go through the same screening, orientation and training processes as you. Or, perhaps the non-profit organization has a volunteer that could be matched with you.


Perhaps you’d benefit from being paired with a mentor who can assist you in gaining the confidence to volunteer. Maybe the physical volunteer tasks come easy to you, but interacting with others is the real challenge.  Perhaps you’re looking at volunteering as a way to build your resume and hoping it can lead to employment. Especially if you have little experience in this area, having a mentor to coach you as you navigate the culture of the organization might be helpful. Ask a friend, family member or an aide, or perhaps the agency might be able to pair you up with an existing volunteer. There may also be resources at agencies such as Gateway or Inclusion Alberta that could be helpful.

Be open and honest

Just as with all volunteers, be clear about your abilities and limits. What do you like to do? What are you good at?  What kinds of support or special accommodations do you need? What will your commitment level be like? Do you have to rely on DATS or public transportation that might cause you to have a schedule that may not mesh with the volunteer role? Is there a reason you might not be able to make 100% of your shifts? (anxiety, appointments, etc.)

NOTE: If you are looking for volunteer opportunities on behalf of someone with special needs, be sure you can answer these questions. If you will be assisting the person, explain what your level of involvement will be – will you simply be on the premise and observing only, or will you be assisting them? Be prepared to go through the same processes as the person you’re working with in order to volunteer.

Finding opportunities

If you want to volunteer with someone with disabilities, or an organization that serves this community – there is no shortage of opportunities. However, if you are a person who is disabled, it’s a different story. Just as with all volunteers, it’s important to consider what your passions, strengths and interests are. What are you hoping to get out of volunteering? How long can you volunteer?

One thing that the pandemic has done is forced the voluntary sector to be more flexible and accommodating in their volunteer opportunities. there are mor virtual and remote opportunities available then there were prior to 2020. 

Challenge the organization to think outside of how they've always done things and perhaps they can come up with a role that will be perfect for you!

Click here to get ready to volunteer.

Click here to see how to find volunteer opportunities.

"help people even when you know they cannot help you back."

About Goose Troop

Goose Troop is a website dedicated to volunteerism.  It's intended to provide assistance to anyone looking to volunteer (but doesn't quite know how to get started) and for those who want to learn more about how to best share their gift of time!  Why "Goose Troop?"  Because geese are known for working together to accomplish big feats, like migration! They never leave any goose alone, encourage each other, share leadership and have a strong sense of community.

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